My hubbie got his deer; his hunt for the year is over. Yes, we are hunters (and trappers for that matter). I do fancy myself as a liberal feminist (well most of the time, in most company) but we do slay Bambi. Yea, Yea enough with the "oh my god, did she really say that?" I am more concerned with the over-population of deer herds being forced from their natural habitats due to assholes desiring the hill top huge ass home. If the deer aren't "taken" for nourishing reasons they will either get hit by a car on their way to find food, die slowly of starvation, or catch one of the many diseases (and die slowly and painfully) the breed has fallen victim to since they were forced to change their natural lifestyles. I am also concerned with my sons being forced to eat food that comes from animals who are given enough growth hormones to send the average American child into puberty at age 9. I want to know where the meat, eggs, fruit, veggies, etc come from as often as possible. Hence the hunting, raising of cattle/sheep, raising chickens, and growing fruit trees and a garden each summer. No E. Coli or Salmonella (sp?) for my boys. The winter months we have to live on what is offered at our not so accommodating to picky people supermarkets in this area. ANYHOO... (I still hate that but use it anyway)
Hubbie, Tel, and I were at a friends house taking care of (for those of you who are sensitive about the caring of fresh carcases) hubbie's deer and of course Tel wanted to experience everything about it--including touching it. Touching was fine until we noticed that all of the ticks (which are commonly found on Mule deer living in sage brush and cedar trees) had not jumped for cover as said deer was being transported home. We told Tel to be careful where he was touching and pointed out a tick while explaining that they will get on your skin and suck your blood and the only way to get them out is with a hot match (didn't want to get into the whole Lyme Disease and such....he is only 3). He became more careful but didn't say any more about them. Fast forward, two days: Tel and I were eating breakfast together and he began to explain his tick theory. "Mom, I think the ticks come from vampires" "What do you mean, Tel?" "The vampires are at their houses and tell the ticks to go suck people's blood" "That is a thought but remember vampires aren't real" That was it. He was very final with his explanation and didn't see it necessary to argue with me. So in case you wondered why or where we gets ticks: those f-ing LAZY vampires!!
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
4 months ago
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