Monday, March 31, 2008

School Girl Giddiness

As I was doing the nightly trips to and from the kitchen getting everyone their bottles of water before bed, I noticed my hubbie perusing my blog. I emphasize the word notice, this I did with my eyes not ears---I thought he said I was funny???? I didn't hear the slightest chuckle. Afterward I asked what he thought and all he came up with was "the last post made me sound like an asshole and maybe the stories aren't funny to me because I know what happened before I read them". Me being the asshole was the point of the last post I pointed out (were any of you confused on that?). Why is his approval so important? Why do I care if I impress him? We've been married for almost 10 years and dated for the 5 years before that and I think I am still smitten! I do the most stupid things to get him to notice and make a comment. I want him rolling on the ground in pain from laughing so hard at the shit I write about. I bust my ass to get the house spotless in the few hours I have in between work and when he gets home so he will say things like "gee, how do you do it? You're awesome". What, am I in 5th grade? Do we never progress from the silly, flutter, do impossible shit to get attention stage that we go through when first attracted to someone? I don't know if this is a good thing because we haven't lost that show off stuff, or if it bad because we have yet to take our relationship to a higher level (or maybe this is the highest???). I am definitely not a love, relationship, or marriage counselor but I do know there is NOT a perfect relationship out there. I guess I should be happy that my relationship's (can a relationship have ownership?) biggest flaw is the lack of getting beyond the school girl shit (oh yea and we don't fight about only the problems now we drudge up 15 years worth of oppression) but that is a different story.

1 comment:

Steve, Dayna and Kids said...

SHIT!!! I totally typed a comment but then had to sign up and lost everything! This is what it said in a nutshell. You need to be happy that you still have "giddy" feelings for your husband and you want to impress him still. I could give a shit less if my husband is happy with what I say, do or otherwise and I don't feel anything when he's around EXCEPT complete irritation! So you should be happy that you still have that FLAME in your marriage.