Why is it when everything is going well I question it?
My classes are going wonderfully, I have students who are quicker to grasp info than I have had in the past and yet I wonder "are they really getting it" "am I really qualified to instruct about this stuff" and other ridiculous questions. Dax is doing exceptionally well in school (second grade). I don't know if I mentioned it but we received his semester report card and the child is on a 6th grade reading level (2 grades of improvement in half of a school year) and can read/comprehend 155 words per minute -- I don't believe I can do that an a little comment stating that he is above level in all subject areas (I wasn't aware this was possible, I thought kids have a strength somewhere, not everywhere). Yet I wonder/worry about his next school year. I have been lucky to get wonderful teachers for him thus far who believe me when I say he is gifted. I fear the teacher who gives me the "oh sure, every parent thinks that" nod. What do I do when the teacher isn't ambitious enough to challenge him or stuck in their ways to adjust to his learning level? Why does next year or any following year matter right now? As my mother says "don't borrow trouble", I always do. Then there is Tel: he begs me not to go to work every morning over breakfast. He is my early riser so we share table talk daily around 6 am. It kills me, but I have to and to be honest I would go INSANE staying home day after day--summer vacation is bad enough. KUDOS to the stay at home parents, I can't do it: I can't keep my sanity and I don't think I could guarantee safety for my children after the first 4 months. So all day I fret about my little man who wants mom to stay home instead of him going to his grandmother's (my mom in law) and playing with his cousins. When it is time to pick him up he wants nothing to do with me and asks, practically daily, if he can just sleep there. Now I stress about how I am chop liver in comparison to grandma--I gave birth to him shouldn't that count for anything, especially favoritism? Next is my house, remember I explained my OCD, I am totally freaking out because I need new doors on the boys' bedrooms and the laundry room but I cannot do it myself and hubbie is a procrastinator (polar opposite of me but he makes up for this short coming in other ways ;) ). I need to paint my entryway, hall, and bedroom but cannot decide on a color--HUGE commitment fears--and I hate painting (very difficult to have a perfect outcome with it and it stresses me more). Yes, it sounds as if I NEED these things for my house, yet if you came by you wouldn't even notice. Maybe it is a psychological disorder, the borrowing of trouble or worrying about things that really don't exist (not yet anyway). I know it is a problem but I continue to dwell and lists I do make to check off when I "solve" the problem. Maybe it isn't a bad thing--it is what makes me.
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